I recently sat with a client who was experiencing debt issues in their life. Together we had considered the 6 solutions for getting of debt in the UK. The client had already remarked how grateful for they were for my debt help and advice and the decision was taken to go bankrupt. Bankruptcy in the UK is not a step taken lightly and we had discussed the process in detail.
It was going to take about 4 months to gather all the information together and the question of how best to deal with the incessant debt collectors' telephone calls and doorstep visits was brought up again.
I advised,
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Be polite
Even when they tell you, as they do from time-to-time, to 'grow up', 'get a proper job', 'get another loan to pay me'. The debt collector doesn't see what a wonderful person you are. They are not looking for the human element. They have missed the fact that you never used that money without the intention of paying it back. The debt collector just labels you as 'the person who owes the money'. The history, the good intentions, and the trust you built over many years with your creditor often count for nothing at this point.
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Avoid fear and distrust
It's natural for you to feel fear. It's natural for the debt collector to feel distrust. The situation where distrust and miscommunication has culminated in a debt collector calling is a sometimes long and often unhelpful track. They just want their money but you cannot just materialise something you do not immediately have available. You can politely point out your efforts for it to fall on deaf ears. Look beyond their barbed words and remain calm. Do advice them that you are planning to declare yourself bankrupt and explain what details we are collating.
Look beyond their process
Most debt collection agencies just follow a process, a series of scripts, a series of computer screens, a series of processes to effect a result. Look beyond that process. You are an individual with a real debt issue. Encourage the debt collector to understand the root issues of your predicament and why bankruptcy is the most sensible option for you.
Remember, there are laws designed to protect you
Which of these debt collection practices is illegal:
5 phone calls a day from the same debt collection outfit; knocking on the neighbours door to ask if you are home as a debt needs to be paid; dropping a blank card through your door with the words 'call Fred on 1234 566789'; parking at your house with a van and the words 'debt collector' painted on the side; telling you that goods will be removed from your house to pay for debts$%:
The answer is all of them. And there are laws to stop this happening. Now not all debt collectors understand or even know the laws that affect them during the course of their work. Even when they are advised to go and check for themselves and not just take their in-house training as the complete answer to all questions debt collection related they will assume they still have the law on their side regardless of how they pursue the debt. Take time to educate the debt collector and your friends and family and stop these things happening to other people.
Some advice
Take time to help yourself and others. Develop your listening skills. Remember at all times that you are a human being who deserves to be treated politely and with respect. Be polite and courteous at all times, take proper advice and act upon it, avoid fear and mistrust, educate others, remain calm and remember that you are just in their process but still have the ability to achieve a better platform for a mature conversation.