Acne is probably the most irritating skin problem anyone can have. Acne occurs mainly due to over-secretion of the sebaceous glands. The oil secreted gets mixed up with the dead cells and blocks the hair follicles. Bacteria begins to grow along with the blocked sebum underneath the skin surface. Acne is a collective term for various plugged pores like blackheads and whiteheads, pimples, cysts and nodules. All these things differ from each other depending on the severity of the condition.

Almost everyone suffers from acne at one point of time in his/her life. The possibility of developing acne is highest during puberty for both men and women. The treatment differs for each and every condition of acne. There are lots of products available on the market for the treatment of acne. There are over-the-counter products, prescription products, holistic products, and other natural products available for this purpose. They are available for both topical treatment and medicinal intake in various forms like lotions, creams, pads, and drugs.

Over-the-counter products are very popular for acne treatment. Some of the common medications used in these products are Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Sulfur, and Resorcinol. Clearasil and Oxy-10 are some of the more popular brand name over-the-counter products.

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Prescription products are the next step in treating acne, if over-the-counter products don't work. When getting a prescription from a dermatologist, everyone gets individual care and treatment according to his/her skin condition from the physician. Zoderm, Retin-A, Benzymycin, and Cleocin-T are some commonly prescribed medications. They are available as cleansers, lotions, and gels.

Tea tree oil has long been considered one of the best natural treatments for acne. It is very effective and it doesn't dry the skin, thus maintaining the natural moisture of the skin. It is meant to be used as a topical application. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is used to treat dandruff as well.

Choosing the right treatment for the right kind of skin is very important. The proper treatment along with right diet tends to be very effective in reducing the impact of acne.

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